Welcome to Cullen East Africa Ltd

A trailblazer in Water, Energy, and Agriculture solutions. Our journey is a commitment to fostering change for a brighter tomorrow.

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Why Choose Us

Cullen East Africa is no ordinary company; our identity is deeply rooted in our core values of integrity, creativity & innovation, sharing, teamwork, and loyalty. We take pride in our ability to bring innovative engineering solutions to life, all in the service of humanity.

Featured Initiatives

Explore our transformative projects that span across clean water access, renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, and more. At Cullen East Africa, we’re dedicated to shaping a sustainable future that leaves no one behind.


Our impact is best expressed through the words of those we serve. Read what communities, partners, and clients say about their experiences with us.

More than just an Engineering Company

Transparency & Reliability is part of us and what we do everyday

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